Year 2022 for Leo


Expansion areas

This is strong year for your careers.  Whatever you are looking at, preparing for, will become reality. Growth in career, desired change, rise, promotions all are possible. For those looking to switch from service to own work will also find support, given they have done all the needed home work. This good phase exists specially till initial 5 months specially.

Financially this is a blessed year. Your earnings will rise, your luck will help your partner, family members and overall worth, financial status will rise. This is strong year for increasing your savings. You will buy assets and buying house for self, for investments is seen as well. This is also strong year to buy vehicles.

Good year for your relationships as well. Marriage is possibility, family extension is possibility as well given your individual time supports it .This is decently good year to experience happiness from your family relations, from friends and overall social life will be good. There will be some major celebrations at home ,in your life this year.

Health issues of past will end quickly. This is the year to gain strength, both physically and emotionally.

This is also good year to travel. There will be numerous travels and for relocation to new place is also possible. For those eligible and looking for foreign settlement, this is supportive time.

You will make many new friends, your image will get a lift, your family relations will get better and people will realize your worth. So this is very blessed year when it comes to stability in relations, getting respect and value that you deserved.

This is giant year for Spiritual aspects. You will gain huge blessings, can get into Higher knowledge, will get Guru, can get initiated and will gain huge wisdom and even mystical flashes, insights. Your intuitive abilities will reach peak in this year. One of the greatest years for your personal growth.

Challenges ahead

Health of elders can need attention this year.

Your professional relationships can go through testing times beyond May this year. Such turbulence will also come in your job security. The second half of this year can bring occasional sensitive phases which can even make you lose job or at least face tensions, opposition and even work level politics. This can be most challenging aspect.

For the ones battling any legal matters, this year beyond May can offer resistance, new twists and you can be on the back foot. This is average to weak time for being on track in any legal issues. Even if you have scope for any such legal issues, conflicts in your personal charts, this year can activate it.

If your individual time shows scope for tensions in family life, then this can be stressful year for your marriage/love life.

Though this is supportive year for health, but this year can also activate some of the health issues for future if you are too causal or your chart has potential for it.

Some of the family level disputes related to properties, assets or any other matter can also come which can cause problems with siblings. other family members. This point is in connection with possibility of legal matters this year.

Lessons and needed approach

You need to have bigger vision and broader thought process. This is needed as you can come across some family conflicts, distances within family members and your wisdom and long term relevant decisions will save the situation .So the foremost lesson for you is to act mature, don’t get too blinded by temptations or acting partially .You can and should play the role of a mediator and should drive the problematic events to conclusive end.

Being a light year with patterns of expansion and ease, this year don’t have many heavy lessons. Though you really need to be attentive at workplace. This can be the year for some heavy work politics which can cause dent to your image and even to your job. So you need to associate with people with high awareness .Do not share personal information, practice ethics but do not become too naïve. You should know how things are and should strive to learn about hidden intentions of people. So being diplomatic and clever is need of this year.

Focus on making long term assets even if it required some small sacrifices. This means this year you should invest more. Investments done in this year will be of supreme value and worth later on. These investments can either for personal use or purely for financial planning, the essence is saving for future, planning for future.


This is a year of easy growth, money and realizing happiness in family life as well. You will feel comfortable, supported by people who love and family bonds will strengthen. You will make many new connections and your image will rise. People will recognize your worth, you will get respect. Some tests are aligned at work, in your official matters and some legal issues, small heath issues can also cause worries. This is the year for long term relevance. Whatever you do, earn, save here will have long term impact .For example ,this year can finalize your marriage ,can bring you desired job ,home .So this year has higher degree of freedom and is meant for giving shape to your dreams. So in a way this is a year with high potential. Though note that decisions made now will give concrete structure to your dreams, hence you have to be responsible in choosing your reality as you will have to deal with consequences in years ahead. Overall a brilliant, easy, comfortable time where you will be given much, will also be tested few times .This is your time to be happy.

Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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