Year 2022 for Scorpio


Expansion areas

This is extremely good year for you to experience overall growth and happiness. Career growth is certain now. You can experience desired job changes, rise, promotions are specially seen for those looking. You can move to better position, more authoritative roles and will gain dignity. Business expansion is also seen along with possible new partnerships and movement into new areas of work.

This is very good year for more wealth. Your earnings will rise, savings will rise, financial pressure will ease and you will do very well in terms of making and saving money. Very good time to buy house ,vehicles and make assets in general.

Very good time for anyone in learning pursuit. Students will excel, many of you can go for higher education and taking break from job and pursuing higher studies is essence of this year. There can be movement to foreign universities as well for this purpose if looking for.

One of the finest year for overall rise in your creativity. This can help you immensely if you are in media field, you create content and need more visibility. You will create brilliant, original ideas/content this year and will gain appreciation.

Good time to take your relation ahead towards commitment. Many of you will fall in love, will find partners and if your chart permits, then marriage too is possible. This is one of the best and decisive year if you are looking to plan family, you can surely conceive.

There will be major health improvements as well. This is very good year to experience major consolidation at physical and emotional level both. You will come out of all the past traumas, depression and great hope and positivity is sure to enter your life.

This is very good year for major increase in your social connections. You will meet friends, will make many new ones, isolation will end, there will be many get together and you will move back to main stream life. This is year of feeling mixed with others and sense of alienation will end.

Be it any old wish or major task, personal or official goals, this is the year to make it .Your life will change for the better ,goals will be accomplished and you will experience happiness.

Spiritual aspirants can expect great progress as well. This can be one of the best years of your life when it comes to Spiritual pursuits.

Challenges ahead

Challenges are not many. The initial time till May can create pressure, slow pace of life ,high work load ,more expectations and even small delays and frustrations in day to day life. Though beyond May this will end.

For those in legal matters, this year needs careful handling and being more aware as time beyond May can bring some new twists and complications.

Health seems fine but careless in second half of the year can lead to issues.

Lessons and needed approach

Your approach needs that of being open and eager. You need openness to accept new situations with fresh mind. This year will bring flux of opportunities in many aspects and you simply need to remain present to receive them. With past fluctuations ,frustrations ,your morale seems and here lies your main task .You need to separate yourself from your experiences of past. You are not what happened with you, you need to consciously re write your study with new experiences. Allow yourself to heal and associate yourself with better events. Work to increase your worth and self-image.

This year is very high in learning content and creative ideas. You are sure to feel hopeful, lighter, better and highly creative. This means you will get variety of ideas and many of them can feel weird as well. You need to trust your gut feeling and try to do things differently wherever possible .This means you need to trust your ideas. So if you feel something strongly about someone or something repeatedly, go for it. Your intuition will guide you in best possible way this year.

Simply forget about what happened to you in past. Speaking, thinking about your limitation and barriers is something you need to stop doing as soon as possible. Use your energy and time to create new rather than fighting with old. Simply leave what has happened in past and work towards your goals with hope.


This is one of the best years for you in recent years. It will fulfil your hopes, aspirations ,you will experience major career changes and work expansion even it feels uncomfortable initially. This is one of the greatest year for leaning as well. You will grow as a person, you will gain maturity wisdom ,blessings of friends ,family members and your intellect will shine. This is year to create new you .You will feel way better, enthusiasm will bombard and you will feel like taking back command of your life and you will indeed. This is the year to re write story of your life. You will achieve many goals, your life flow will change, you will move to new places ,will meet new people, will develop higher self-esteem and self-love will grow so beautifully as well. This year in essence stands for falling in love with life and yourself again. A beautiful, creative, peaceful, life changing and fulling year is here for you.

Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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