Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Gemini sign


Expansion areas

Saturn transit to Aquarius for Gemini people is huge and life changing event .It brings end to your seemingly endless sufferings and many complexes. Now your 8th house Saturn, the Dhaiyaa periods ends bringing in relief, happiness, joy and freedom .That’s what the key essence are for you.

The main essence in work life is doing better where you are. Patterns of job change are also there if others factors are favourable. So yes, you can change jobs, get into new, better working positions. Your work position will rise, you will get better roles ,more respect at workplace .Promotions are certainty now .The peak best of this transit in work and wealth will come from May 2023 onwards .Till then it’s a gradually better time.

Those willing to change domain of work, switch to business, move to new business domain or basically take a risk and bold move in work life can do it without any fears, but it had to be well planned. Career matters are all set to look up. Those who were struggling to get jobs or for work life stability will find them.

Its good time for rise in wealth and earning well. Now there will be end of restrictions and karmic bondages which means time to work and earn freely. Savings will rise, meaningless, sudden and even painful expenses/losses will end and earning will shoot up. This all remains majorly good times for betterment of financial status ,savings. Gains from real estate are clearly seen in this phase .Your overall financial worth is now ready to enlarge.

The main highlight of this transit for you is end of bondages ,limitations and getting freedom, right resources, platforms to be and achieve what you want .This means best time for students, anyone willing to learn more. Foreign trips and movement for work and studies is clearly seen for those eligible. This is also best time for migration .Brilliant times for anyone in research, creative, media ,publishing, Spiritual work .Though there is no distinction between work fields, but the main point here is your mind will become fertile, highly efficient ,clear hence generation of new ideas and rise in creativity is seen as prominent.

This transit favours all the positive events in your relationships area. Be it marriage, falling in love, taking your relation to level next, planning family, celebrations at home and betterment in family or professional relations. Improvements will set in in every sector .Its also possible that you get back your old friends ,some relations which went sour in past. Its time for you to move back in mainstream life and enjoy different aspects of human interactions.

There can be end of old health issues or any legal battles or any difficult situations at home, in your relationships or at workplace .The element of complexity and karmic heaviness will melt now which means end of problems of past in many aspects.

Challenges ahead

The most beautiful part for you is that there are no major challenges left for you. This transit brings end to your major destined sufferings, so challenges whatsoever will be small and tolerable.

Small challenge in work life due to work pressure, difficult team mates and high expectations will come. You will have to prove yourself and there are so many eyes on you. This will surely create burden, pressure and sense of being scrutinized at times.

Health of elders can need attention at times. Also wellbeing of siblings, close family members can also suffer at times. So family member’s wellbeing , health can be matter of concern now and then.

With heavy events in past, some of you can see permanent end of some relationships .This can be in context of some close friends ,love life matters, even in context of marriage and at level of work relations too. The key essence is by this time some of relationships in your life seems to be in very bad state as their karmic time is over. So some painful good byes and end of very old associations can come in this phase.

What needs to be done

This transit will create freedom to think ,act and improvise. This means now you can expect to take command back and move ahead towards life of your dreams .So with end of excessive limitations, now you should work towards your dream job ,becoming more work efficient ,earning well, saving well. The key word here is being your best again. Its time to recollect yourself build a new life with your dreams and lessons of past as base.

The super critical point that you need to understand deeply is fact that no phase in our life can dictate the future entirely .It means however difficult your past was, it doesn’t mean end of all future possibilities .So most important is to leave impressions, experiences of past there .Saturn via karmically heavy events can break the human spirit entirely which can diminish or completely end human vision and enthusiasm .Now is your time to leave your past behind and develop faith that you are into new phase of life .Leaving behind impressions of pain, failure and limitation is very important so that you can act with full conviction and do justice to your real potential.

Spiritual journey

You have seen the most intense phase in your Spiritual life in past. With your Dhaiyaa, the 8th house transit of Saturn, many of you would have experienced heavy events in your life. So your time to pay back karma is almost over as of now. This transit for you is not karmically heavy at all but yes this is a Spiritually significant transit for you but in peaceful, joyous ways. You are coming from a journey which have exhausted you, tested you ,you have failed many times, relationships were broken, you were left alone and you also learned to face and absorb results of past karma. This all was too heavy and your belief system was shaken badly and some of you might even be broken as a human being .Now this transit will help you get back to steady belief system. Now you will know difference between intellectual learning and real virtuous behaviour, Spiritually in day to day life.

This transit will make you firm, visionary, you will know real essence of karma, relationships. Best time to read books ,get deep into any Spiritual practice. You are now in state where reform in your belief system is sure to come .So you will practice your faith with firmness. Spiritual aspirants can expect great growth .Many will get initiated, will meet Guru, will get Higher knowledge and broader view of life.

You will visit many prominent Spiritual places. This transit will also make you do rituals but the best part is deep inside you will remain firm in wisdom .So when it comes to acting in truest Dharmic way, this transit will stabilize you ,will ground you and this phase will make you a giant when you align your life with your inner call and lead your life with great lessons of past.


Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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