Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Aries sign


Expansion areas

For Aries sign people, Saturn movement to Aquarius is best time of their lives. Saturn after a long phase of testing you, keeping you waiting, making you work hard is now moving into a place where it will bless you immensely. In fact out of all signs ,its Aries which is going to be most blessed .So key words for you are free ,powerful growth, immense blessings and happiness.

Career matters are going to expand like never before. This transit (on a broader scale this transit means time frame of mid 2022 to March 2025) will bring immense rise in your career. New jobs are certainty, major career promotions, rising to top positions ,getting dream jobs ,sudden rise in work ,suddenly getting dream job calls all are possible now. Business will expand like never before. You can freely take the risks in career and go for best possible scenario. In these 2.5 years span you will see best growth of your life. This is one of its kind time in a lifetime. Its golden phase for your work life.

Wealth is also going to increase in major ways. Your earnings are sure to rise, your business returns will shoot up. There is clear possibility that you get into more than once earning sources and all of your financial concerns will end and desires will get fulfilled by the end of this transit ,i.e in this span of 2.5 years you will become rich and financial troubles, concerns will totally end. Extremely blessed time.

You will make numerous assets. Be it buying house, vehicles, making long or short investments, investing in business or in any property ,your financial worth will shoot .In a nutshell ,its time for fulfillment of all of your dreams. You will buy things you cherished for long ,your bank balance will shoot up, debts will end eventually and business returns, earnings will rise as per expectations (and even beyond expectations if your individual periods are good as well).

The key essence for you is sharp rise in will power, focus and clarity of vision. This is how you are going to make it big. At personal level you can become great enthusiast and ambition will rise high.

Challenges ahead

Saturn is in mighty position for you, still there are few challenges along the way .Saturn can create lethargy ,sense of carelessness in you which would ultimately invite problems in future .It has to be noticed that Saturn in its next transit (after 2025) is not very positive for you and its super critical to understand that you should not commit any major blunders, should not become too casual, arrogant, hurting others or committing any other karmic blunder, which otherwise would lead to immense problems in next transit.

Some struggles for those in learning process, students etc can face some difficulty in maintaining good pace. Also for those in creative fields ,this transit will demand extra hard work and originality from you.

There can be loss of confidence, getting dejected by small matters and also tendency to self-hurt .This can come as a result of becoming too sensitive about small hurdles and inconvenience.

What needs to be done

The foremost point is to understand that Saturn for you is in best possible state and hence you need to do what’s required. Remember Saturn’s blessings are rare thing and now you are in such position, so do not waste even a single day, work sincerely, develop right routine, be at your best, do not waste time in any way ,in still thinking .Its time to act. The best for you will come mainly from May 2023 onwards till Feb 2025.

Its also important to understand that you can become causal, careless, too relaxed and hence developing tendency to postpone work. When we are in good times, generally it creates tendency to chill. We feel as if there is endless time to do things, which is obviously not true. Do not let this good time mislead you. Lethargy, postponing work ,your duties is most lethal thing which can waste such rare blessings of Saturn.

Rely on your originality ,do not copy or follow anyone .Its time when you have to bring out uniqueness .Saturn blesses when you are truly sincere and follow path of Dharma, the true virtues. So its time to be at your best and you should not waste a single day in doing what you know you need to do. Important is to move with your inner call, on your own path without getting influenced by anyone blindly.

Spiritual journey

Now Saturn has reached a stage where it is no longer pressing you to learn something heavy. So this transit is not Spiritual at all, unless you are. In general, the essence of this transit is rising in life in all sectors and heavy lessons will not become hurdles or will not create resistance. Still for those willing to learn, practice and move on path of Spirituality, Saturn is always happy to provide support .So its more about learning lessons through action. Saturn has freed you for this transit, make sure you act, think right .Its most beautiful transit for you, make sure while you achieve ,earn ,enjoy, relax, you are also sowing seeds for many good karma. Humility, helping others and understanding that good times don’t last forever will help you actually achieve this state. Brilliant transit for you, receive the blessings of Lord Saturn with willingness to contribute in other’s lives as well.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022. Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025. So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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