Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Cancer sign


Expansion areas

Saturn transit to Aquarius for Cancer sign people is going to activate their Dhaiyaa ,the 8th house transit or Kantak Shani period .This is significant time and is time for karmic payback. This doesn’t mean growth will stop altogether but growth with obstacles is key word for you.

Job changes are not favoured by Saturn. Now Saturn wants you to do better where you are. Due to blessings of Jupiter though time is still fine till May 2023.Job changes ,movement to new location ,rise in work can come for some of you given individual charts are showing good time.

This phase can favour marriages to some extent. Those looking for foreign migration can surely expect success. This transit is also good for students and anyone in research ,creative areas.

Challenges ahead

With onset of Dhaiyaa ,now Saturn can bring numerous events of deep karmic significance. So challenges can appear in almost every sector of life which can be minor to major one.

Workfront can see challenges in terms of growth. You can see weak carer growth, work politics will rise and your equation with sensors can get into problems. Promotions, rise, job changes can take long time and even if they occur ,they might not be as per your expectations. Something somewhere will keep biting you.

Financial challenges can also come now. This is time when some of you can experience lack in life and even major losses/pause in earnings can come. But it is strictly subjected to fact that your individual time has to show same. Still speaking broadly, Saturn for you is not showing any major growth in work or finances generally and you can in fact face lack, stagnation and challenges of many sorts.

Health problems of self, spouse and elders at home can come now.

This transit also shows issues coming in some of your relationships. They can be in context of love life, your marriage, professional relationships, with some close friends etc. The key point here is during this 2.5 years phase of Saturn, you can witness end of some of old bonds or at least there can be start of disputes, differences now which can grow bigger .This is karmically heavy time and karma is mainly dissolved by suffering through human relationships. So its time that some of your past associations , relationships will end and hence suffering can come as part of this experience.

If your past karma (from events in recent past which you know, to events from past lives which you don’t know) shows it, then you can also face some legal issues and can get into blames games where your image can be tarnished. People who will come to harm you will be those with whom you had past life connection and you have to pay them back for karmic balance.

What needs to be done

A lot. Its time that you wake up entirely. Saturn has moved to your 8th house which symbolizes time when past karma has to be resolved. So its your time to become accepting. Foremost lesson for you is accept what’s coming your way without becoming bitter ,blaming family ,others or anyone apart from you .Its time to accept that if you are facing any adverse event ,it was solely your karma .Don’t blame .How soon you accept it will change the future course majorly.

Learn to take ownership. Now Saturn can prompt many events which can bring challenges of various sorts. Some of such challenges can seem sudden and even you can feel that’s its injustice with you as you have not done anything wrong. Whether you remember or not, karmic events doesn’t happen randomly ,they are precise. So learn to take ownership of your life events. If something is not in accordance with your desire, take ownership and work towards changing it. Remember you can lose so much time and develop huge bitterness towards others, God, destiny ,etc etc if you do not accept the fact that its your own karma and now is the time to take full and comprehensive ownership of your life.

You will also have to become flexible. There can be many aspects which might not move as per your desire .Like at workplace, you might not get desired results or results can lack as per your expectations. Then you need to be at your best where you are rather than endlessly cribbing for what couldn’t happen. This transit can bring many surprises to you and your aspirations will face deep reality check. When such thing occur ,remember to go with flow and do your best in such situation. Being flexible will save your identity and will help you grow even in such times.

Critical to mention here that whatever listed in above challenges might not occur at all or can come in less amount. Dhaiyaa period is time when very old karma, weak aspects of destiny comes to surface. So if your individual charts are strong, doesn’t have any weaker aspects like in career, then you will do well .So it has to be understood that it’s a complex game and Saturn will test only when you need a lesson due to your old karma.

Spiritual journey

Your Spiritual journey is now beginning to get intense .You need to mentally prepare yourself to receive lessons almost from everywhere. In deeper sense now is the time when you will realize what is meaning of karmic balance, how we are always in centre of every relation and the other person or events are merely medium for us to learn different values. Not reading books or going to pilgrimage, this transit is truly Spiritual in the sense that life itself will show you deepest lessons through relationships, work and your role in them. The most important point to understand that as you move ahead, just focus on being accepting and taking full ownership .Whatever lies ahead is merely reflection of your past karmic account and there is nothing and no one to blame for it .Not even Saturn has to be blamed as its impartial judge .Next 2.5 years can transform you into a new, more practical and experienced person. Now is your time to get back to roots.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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