Year 2020 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Capricorn people are undergoing through intense tests from Saturn owing to phase of Sadesaati. Year 2020 for Capricorn sign people does bring a relief and finding balance and sustaining patterns is essence of this year for you. This year signifies end of many earlier issues, specially related to health and finances and opening up of some growth prospects.Though this year your Sadesaati will start in peak mode(second phase) which does signifies challenges and stiff work and family environment ,though still Saturn being in own sign also means possibilities for rise, stability for those acting sincerely. This is not easy time, though is sure to bring end to some of earlier problems and delay in work, complete lack of opportunities will end .Let us now directly move to detailed patterns of this year for you people.

Career matters will need lot of patience and sustained efforts this year. Career changes are highly likely now, though can come under some pressure, compulsions and most importantly can involve some sort of conditions as well. There can be conditions attached to growth this year. Like you can be required to relocate, your travels can rise tremendously, travelling time to work can rise and so does your working hours. Changes in your organization, in your working routine are also highly likely. For those having a weak personal dasa as well, this year can signify time to stick to basics and not expect things to move according to your wish. This is the year where your focus needs to be on gaining experience as stability can lack in work life. Job changes or challenges appearing this year will be of temporary in nature which means you are not going to remain there for long, so focus on learning part. Though complete lack of new opportunities will end and this year you can surely find new jobs and movement ahead will occur. This is not the year to impose your demands, rather you need to learn new skills ,go with the flow and be ready to make necessary changes in self, in your routine and also make adjustments, some flexibility is needed .For many this can be time to take up short contract jobs. As stated, this year finding permanency in your work can be hard, so do not attached too much expectations. As you reach end of year more stable changes will appear. Its year of impermanence and constant change. Business expansions are not favored, neither movement into any new area should be done. This is time to stick to most secure patterns without taking undue risks .Its year with low certainty, but does assure tremendous experience gains which will show its worth in next few years. So focus on learning alone.

Financially it’s time to save. Inflow can become stagnant and expenses on family, your obligations, some on health and travels can come untimely and heavily. This year can create conditions of excessive outflow, though you will be able to manage well with protection given by Jupiter. Many can also experience rise in salary but it will strictly need support from personal dasa and in any case expense will stay ahead of earnings. Gains from properties are indicated and you can carefully invests in this area. Gains from family, earlier investments, selling your property, assets and from inheritance are also indicated strongly this year which can bring good amount of wealth to you. Still owing to high outflow patterns, you should save often and no random, useless expenses should be done. Learn the discipline in financial matters without any further postponing.

Area of health though will see major improvements this year. Earlier setbacks, problems will gradually settle now .Best part is any ongoing treatment will start to show results now. Emotional health also seems to get better now. The essence this year is finding stability amid chaos. You will learn how to cope up with pressure, you will adjust with pressure and will somehow manage to live in optimal manner despite continues demands ,churns and expectations of others .Still in weaker phase of year you need to be double assured that you are not neglecting health. Vitality can drop in general owing to hectic schedule ,so start taking supplements and this year is stable only when you are conscious about your health and follow all good ethics here .Eyes ,cholesterol, stress ,pain in body and gastric issues will need care.

There are restrictive patterns when it comes to area of relations. There can be patterns of isolation getting strong. It means this year you need to focus on ones who really matter. There can be misunderstandings, situations where distance can grow and people assuming about you or simply your life conditions making you too engaged in routine leading to much lesser connection with others. Development of new relations is not favored and in fact there can be end to many of earlier ones in this year. You are witnessing karmically active times which means some karmic relations will end this year .It can be in love life, with some close friend or in family .Due to work, studies or any personal compulsion distance can come between you and your loved ones .As stated above ,this year is low on permanency so do not worry this is just a transitory phase. Even if you are require to stay away ,travel more, go through hectic schedule which can impact your family life, just allow it, it won’t last too long. You need to consciously put effort in relations which really matter to you. Rest in deeper sense its actually time to work on relation with self. Its time when focus will come on you, others really don’t matter at least for some time.

Travels seem many. You seem on the run. Travels related to work, owing to relocation, due to new work constraints are seen. Also this is very good year for many Spiritual travels and travelling to distant places with family ,alone ,that will bring fun and new experiences.  Moving to foreign lands is also possible for many. Coming to timelines, this year time from Jan to April mid is still fine. Some complications can develop from April mid to August mid, though some career breakthroughs and developments in love life can also come here. Still health, work and finances will need care. Time ahead of September is steady again.

Spiritually this seems extremely active year. You can travel to many places, many of you will get attracted towards occult, studying more. Travel to places of Spiritual significance, meeting Guru and even getting intimated all are strong possibilities. This is the year for self-exploration, for diving deep within self, for knowing more about life, introspecting, meditating,learning mantra-tantra, yogic practices and reading a lot for understanding many subtle aspects of life and your own mind .The best of this year in fact is reserved for those who are eager to learn, to explore, they will find this year to be a game-changer as its going to bring many valuable lessons and insights with it .Just stay flexible, ready to go with flow. Trust the process, do not resist change and focus on experiences, learning. If you are able to live in such state ,this year will be light, will bring great value addition in your skills and most importantly, will bring immense wisdom and rootedness in your nature. Faith will make it happen.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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