Year 2020: Impact on Gemini sign

Year 2020 for Gemini people is an opportunity to prove themselves and fulfill their long-cherished dreams and materialize plans finally. This year stands for good growth, progress all around and gain of wealth, assets and more wisdom as well. Gemini people will have very positive impact of Jupiter while Saturn in transit will start their Dhaiyaa(8th house transit) phase which though is known to bring challenges but Saturn in own sign will keep it mild .So this year on one side has immense potential to give you want you want and in parallel you will have to prove it to self, to others and actually walk the talks in order to keep gaining results. Essence for you becomes a year of expansion, fulfilment backed by intense commitment and readiness to act in present without any further postponing of any sort. Let us now move into details as to how Gemini people will experience flow of time in year 2020.

Your work life looks exciting and there are strong progressive trends .There will be desired job changes, rise, expansion of your work and even possibilities of entering into own work and moving into new domains is seen .Though it has to be stated right here that you will feel under pressure and whatever growth you are eyeing, whatever progress you will achieve will demand huge work and a constant sense of pressure. Your working hours can increase, you can feel need to stretch which will indirectly imply some fundamental level changes in your lifestyle so that you can accommodate more work. Nevetheless the underlying theme remains of growth. Career growth is assured which can also accompany travelling and even relocating for many given their charts show this as well. Its good time to get into business fields, develop some partnerships and invest more to gain more profits. Time to commit to yourself and jump into action mode if you really want to see progress .Patterns are favorable ,all you need is to do what’s required, make some small sacrifices and develop dedication, career is sure to make a leap.

This year is equally good for financial gains. In fact increase in flow of money will bring great joy to you. You will see greater inflow, salary will rise, your business will start to create more profits and for those looking eagerly, new sources of earning can also develop .In more practical sense it means that you will now get deep insights as to how to become more productive in your work and how you can make yourself more visible, more aligned to attract more customers in your business. This optimization in your working techniques will bring far greater financial flow. Gains from properties is also indicated and strong chances for inherited money, properties etc. are also three in this year. Your savings will rise for sure and its perfect time to become disciplined about your financial habits. Addition of new assets, buying things of your desire, making people happy around you using your resources all will bring great joy in this year.

Your health remains decently fine, though in weaker phases of this year you are vulnerable for decline. This year you need to become aware about your habits and should act immediately in bringing more harmony in lifestyle. No longer your casual, neglecting behavior will be tolerated. Its year to love yourself deeply and show it through self-care. Some old health matters, even hereditary in nature can pick up. Also work stress, cholesterol and sugar related issues (for those prone) can get activated if not proactively handled. Your health plans should not be pushed any further. Health of elders in family will also need attention, so make some time for them as well.

Area of relationships has strong positive patterns this year. You can certainly expect more people in your life. You will make new friends ,you will get to form many new associations, your social circle will expand and recent phase of isolation will end completely .Its like coming out of your shell and experiencing the world freely once again .Time remains very good to fall in love, many of you will meet your partners. Equally strong is pattern of marriage for those looking for. Also for those already settled ,this is year to remove earlier problems and differences. Its time to experience love and harmony again. Bonding, understating, passion will rise giving you satisfying experience of love life. It’s also decently good time for expansion of family. Bonding with siblings, friends will improve and there will be many get together and even travels with them. This is the year to get support from people in family, in your love life and feel secure and loved deeply. Travels are very much favored and even there can be foreign travels if supported by individual charts. This is decent time for studying, learning new skills and basic underlying essence for you Gemini people is finding more productivity, effectiveness in your existing skills. Its time to become sharper, focused and extremely productive version of yourself. Talents might be present till now, though they will surface and will be utilized properly from this year onwards. Its chance for you to realize, witness your own full potential which will surprise you.

Coming to time frames, the positive part for you is Jan to March and then from September onwards. These are highly productive months, specially the later part where intense progress can be expected. The weak phase is of April to July end where health, career can have challenges along with problems in love life, in health of partner and parents. Though in this phase you can find some ways to make more money and can even get some lumpsum amount as well. Though this is weak phase but for you it is actually of surprising nature where you can find sudden gains, insights, solutions and Spiritual progress as well.

Spiritually this is medium level time. Your energies are externalized ,your eyes will be on progress, earning, making assets, growing family, falling in love and socializing which will leave hardly any sufficient energy for Spiritual quest. Though April to July phase can make you have some deeper realizations. Its the year when you should freely pursue your material goals so that you can find clarity and vision upon their fulfillment. In a way this is the year to make progress once again and find peace when you finally achieve what you aspired since long .It’s the year which will help you do, achieve more and will take you towards your desires. Fulfillment and then development of new vision is seen as this year ends. When you are not pulled by past impressions, patterns and when you are truly ready and committed to make it happen, success, happiness and glory will all be yours. March ahead.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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