Year 2020 : Impact on Virgo sign

New year brings new hopes and new direction for Virgo people. Year 2020 for Virgo sign people stands for firm growth, end of many earlier problems and stagnation along with rise of confidence and getting clarity in life. Essence for you is opening up new paths, new career opportunities and end of many stagnating personal and professional matters leading to lasting relief. Its kind of year where through intense learning in past you will come to terms with current situation. With this earned wisdom ,better ,much more logical and visionary decisions will flow taking you ahead in this year .As old pattern are ending and you need to create new ones, it will take great courage, life force and dedication to move ahead as its similar to moving into unknown. Hence Virgo sign people will experience growth, removal of many blockages along with greater clarity given they are fully ready to move ahead without any strings attached with past and sense of fear. Let us now move to detailed discussion as to how this year is going to impact you in various aspects of life.

Career matters will need patient approach as some fundamental level changes needing adjustments, upgrading yourself and leaving your comfort zone can arise. Job changes are seen but can come with frustration, due to come family-personal or other compulsions or basically forced ones .This is the year when changes, rise can surely come but can come with condition and you have to make some adjustments, even sacrifices, for your career to grow. Like your career change can come with change in location, moving to isolated place, taking very high responsibilities and upgrading yourself under pressure. It can well mean preparing very hard for position that you aspire.Greater commitment, intense preparation along with being flexible with incoming opportunities is what you will need to see progress.Though certainly the earlier contraction, confusion and even humiliating events will come to end. Business expansion with care is all possible though partnerships should be taken up only under strict legal framework. For those totally prepared, this year can signify a major switch to own work as well. Essence in career remains growth no doubt, it just that your expectations has to be moderated, you need to remain flexible and open, dynamic to make it happen. Do not look for perfect opportunity, rather first grab it and then make it perfect.

Financially this is decent time with assured end to earlier issues but very gradually. This year actually signifies journey from extremes to a neutral, more stable phase where growth will not be visible immediately, rather ground for that will be prepared. Excess outflow will stop but you can still find it hard to meet ends if you remain casual. This year you can though gain big from real estate, you can surely go ahead and make wise, calculated major investments for work, and for personal use as well .Addition of assets, help from family ,even getting inherited money, properties is very much possible. Selling your property, lands, old assets are also seen to bring major profits. Gains from stocks, trading is strong and anyone looking to make profit can venture freely in this area. Just stay committed to your financial goals, money is sure to flow. The important point to remember is patience will pay, it’s all going to get better, so hold on and keep working with faith.

For matters of health, this is very encouraging year. Not just at physical level, you are going to witness comprehensive healing. Emotionally you are going to get major relief with end of many earlier problems. You can certainly see good, rapid recovery happening in your health. Confidence will rise as well and there is also a sense of security developing in you about your wellbeing. Though work stress ,hectic schedule and long working hours can bring low vitality hence you will need to intentionally take more supplements to meet the demands .In weaker phase of the year, which is between May mid to August mid, stomach, lungs, respiration related matters will need care, though with strong attention and care, you will take back command.

Area of relationships is fairly encouraging as well. There are good patterns for new relationships to develop and for certain previous isolation will end. Most important is end of ongoing tensions at home and some conflicts within family members. Many of you will fall in love and marriage is also seen for eligible ones. Though prospects developing in love life should not be jumped upon immediately as there are tends for deception and temporary feelings/relations to develop hence you need to give some time and test commitment and sincerity of your bond before taking it to next level. Being selective in approach in your social life and taking time to commit are necessary this year. Your professional relations are going to get better very gradually, so much patience will be needed. Its year of slow but steady betterment in your family, social and professional relations. Travels are also there, but only few ones and will be tied to specific purpose. Also trend of relocation is strong this year. This year is very encouraging, strong and decisive for students, for people engaged in any sort of learning and excellence in respective fields is completely assured. Inner strength, focus, dedication will show up in results, wherever you apply it.

Time for you remains slow and steady till March end. Some rapid developments in work, some major financial gains and also developments in love life are very much possible between frame of April to July. Though as stated these gains or sudden developments can be of temporary and even illusionary in nature, hence take time if you are taking any life impacting decisions. Though surely these months can leave some sudden, pleasant impact and wealth gains, some movement in love life, travels and events of Spiritual significance can take place here. Also those looking to extent family can find time after April as supportive. Time from August onwards will again fall back to slow and steady pattern. Months of August and September needs care in health of elders. Feb mid to mid-march and mid-June to mid-July is time of confusion and many delays.

Spiritually patterns are very much similar again, you can expect growth only if your focus is dedicated in this area, else hectic schedule, family duties, more responsibilities at workplace, in family and many new patterns will keep you occupied. For higher aspirants time after April can become smooth which can offer growth and many deeper insights. The middle part of year between April to June end is where Spiritual spark can come, but it will become difficult to sustain it if you do not have past Samskaars and needed to carry it forward. This is the year to bring intentions changes in life with your focus and Saadhna determination. Some grace surely will come though only after you show your inner strength and commitment levels .It’s the kind of year where initial push needed to make things happen is large but once you set them going, everything is going to gain immense acceleration. Stagnation has ended, stand up and do what’s needed to make your dreams come true, blessings are sure to dawn on the way.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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