Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Capricorn sign

Overview of transit
  • Saturn will move to your Moon sign .It will lead to start of peak phase of Sadesati, though make a note that Saturn being in own sign will give you relatively more time and space to learn lessons and its usual harshness will be much less(about half of its harshness). This is known to be most intense phase but will be better than previous one and will open career growth, will bring relative ease in thought process, your emotional state will get slightly better though challenges still exist. Focus comes on identifying all of your weakness, accepting them, working on them and committing to total dedication and sincerity in whatever you do. Focus comes on you entirely.
  • Saturn will aspect third ,seventh and tenth houses .It means focus on your social relations, your love life/marriage and generic professional-pubic interaction as well .Thirdly focus will strongly come on work life which will occupy your attention .It also means need to focus on how you approach anyone or any event without being driven by same old past mechanism.

Impact on gross level
  • Career opportunities will get slightly better with end of complete lack of them. Though will come only after intense phase of preparation and proving your worth.
  • This is phase of fighting your inner demons, facing your weakness, accepting feedbacks. People will bring many shortcomings to notice, family members, your seniors will expect huge from you.
  • In general there can be lot of misunderstandings, people assuming about you, distance-difference growing with friends, relatives and siblings as well. Many of your karmically over relations will end in this phase. Its phase of cleansing.
  • For those having affliction in individual charts, this can be phase for marriage/love life issues to come to intense focus. If seen in personal charts too, then this phase can create separation-differences and is meant for exhausting karmic debts, if any.
  • Those eligible and having right time in their dasa can also experience marriage but it can have many hassles in the process.
  • Working hours will rise, pressure in work, expectations and complexity of work will rise as well. Career growth, rise can surely come but will strictly have higher and heavier possibilities which will create much pressure. Also you will feel as if you have to prove yourself very often .If indicated in personal charts, then image can be vulnerable and some blame-game situation leading to loss of reputation and connections can develop(though for such events very weak dasa has to be operative in personal charts).
  • Financially things will improve but overall situation will remain on edge. This phase doesn’t show any major gains and needs you to preserve and grow money very wisely through savings and small investments.

Impact on deeper level
  • Feeling pressure and constant expectations from others.
  • Feeling exhausted and lack of vitality owing to continuous challenges in and around but Saturn in own sign will also give you inner strength and good willpower to deal with everything.
  • Inner battle will intensity and is main aspect of this transit phase. It means when people will show you your faults ,when you realize that you made mistakes, when you see relations failing and situations demanding more effort then you will start to have intense internal dialog which will arise from conflict of what is and what needs to be achieved. It also means feeling clueless at times when bigger events (like problems in marriage, career etc) occurs and you find destiny/God too cruel and not helping you. But in reality its all for pushing you ahead and peak phase of Sadesaati brings your own deeply buried karma to surface.
  • Feeling misunderstood and hence isolated very often leading to sense of dejection and even loosing desire to get connected to others.
  • In some of the cases where your personal charts have afflicted Moon and/or Mercury, this phase can also create conditions of depression and loosing enthusiasm very often. But this is strictly based on fact that your chart has to have some afflictions.
  • If you are aware enough, this phase will show you that you are not the doer. This phase is intense for Spiritual awakening and having deepest relations and learning. So for gain of education, reading, doing research, introspection, meditation, travel to many places this is best phase in your life. Countless realizations about life, destiny, people-relations, Truth, Karmic cycles can come to you. Capacity of this phase to make you intensely rooted and wise is way higher than any other phase of your life.

What needs to be done
  • Remain aware when someone gives strong feedback. Accept it. Be ready and willing to work on your weakness and be committed to improve.
  • Very critical is to altogether stop tendency to find escape from duties, responsibilities and commitment in family-work relations. You should not run away, which will increase problems manifolds. Face your fears, just keep doing all the heavy work, fulfill your duties keeping in mind that things will ease when you are willing to participate.
  • Remain observer and allow space in all of your relations. This phase can create conditions where many of your relations can fall away. People can move away. When you know you have made honest efforts, stop begging people to stay, allow movement. You really cannot stop major restructuring that will happen in this phase. Many old people will leave and many new ones will enter. Be wise observer with deep faith that all is happening for purpose.
  • Patience is highest virtue that you can develop. If you can keep patience, Saturn will start to bless you even in peak phase of Sadesaati. Its golden virtue which Saturn always rewards.
  • Higher remedy for you is to face your fears, leave what’s not healthy for you. Try to maintain stable routine. Also respect elders, seniors, obey rules and do not disrespect anyone just because you have authority. Humility and patience will make you cross this phase with great ease.

          Heart of the matter:
  •  Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.

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