Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Scorpio sign

Overview of transit
  • Saturn moves to third house ending your long phase of Sadesaati. So this is big event for you. Focus is now on new beginnings, starting life afresh, taking new steps, moving out of your isolation and forming new principles with lessons that you have learnt in recent past. This transit phase will create many new events, new relations cycles and is nothing less than a new birth.
  • Saturn will aspect fifth, ninth and twelfth house. It means need to take actions very wisely, do not judge anyone quickly and commit yourself to dedication in whatever you do. Secondly it means not to rely on anyone and develop respect for rules and processes. Thirdly it will now mean becoming more specific when it comes to where you are spending time, energy and wealth and also travelling for precise reasons.

Impact on gross level
  • There will be end of many past delays, confusions and clear path will emerge in this transit phase in all aspects of your life.
  • More energy, new enthusiasm and greater life force will come.
  • End of earlier family conflicts, problems in finances. Generation of new earning sources and new career opportunities will come freely now.
  • Expansion in work, business will set in and this phase is very good for taking new initiatives, setting up your own work, developing partnerships, investing wisely and moving ahead in your work life.
  • Possible conflicts with seniors, elders in work and family and some differences in social life as well owing to your unsettled past impressions.
  • Savings will rise. Financially your earlier debts and lack will end gradually.
  • Confidence will rise, your extreme isolation in life will end. More people will get connected to you and you will feel urge to travel more, move out, take risks and completely merge into mainstream life.
  • Health of elders, siblings and children in family will need care.

Impact on deeper level
  • Greater life force, energy, desire to move ahead will come.
  • Your earlier problems, confusions, personal dilemmas and sense of stagnation in life will end in this transit phase.
  • Your risk-taking abilities will rise, you will feel great push to take actions. This transit phase has great degree of freedom and means you will be relatively free to start new things and move ahead as karmic debts have been majorly exhausted leaving you free and light.
  • Focus from problems, delays, obstacles will shift to doing ,moving ahead, making new plans and going out ,i.e approach will change from being focused on thinking, mourning part to implementing, action part which will generate a huge shift in personality ,but also creating a sense of fear in you.
  • You will also feel blank and clueless at times along with feeling fearful in taking steps which can come from your past impressions.
  • There will also be scenarios where you will feel confused about what is right and wrong. This transit phase stands for forming your beliefs once again, or to be more precise getting firm on beliefs and lessons that you gave learnt hard way in recent times.

What needs to be done
  • Most critical for you is to acknowledge that what happened was different pattern and where you are standing on and what lies ahead is new phase. This means you need to start detaching yourself from recent failures, delays and all such challenges.
  • Let go of past. You need to feel new, start from afresh so that your current actions are not burdened by your past image .Let your past impressions go .Create a new life, new you by focusing on present and not by constantly thinking of past.
  • Give time to people in family and learn to respect their advice, obey rules and follow processes. You need to start developing a deep respect for life in a whole which can create a deep sense of gratitude. This is needed so that you don’t keep grudges anymore and act freely with your best.
  • Some of the people will leave you ,many old relations and images will fall, so allow all this .End of Sadesaati means time or new life phase where you cannot take old relations(complex ones) or rotten image, grudges or guilt. Let go of whatever burdens you irrespective of fact how familiar it looks.
  • Higher remedy for you is not to forget your past lessons and stay humble, open for feedbacks. Accept knowledge, advice and help coming from any direction.

         Heart of the matter:
  • Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.

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