Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Taurus sign

Overview of transit
  • For Taurus sign, Saturn will move to ninth, ending their earlier Dhaiyaa (Ashtam Shani) phase bringing in relief. This is phase to reform yourself at deepest level, learn new skills, explore new areas, places, relationships and basic essence is constructing new life and beliefs.
  • Saturn will aspect your eleventh, third and sixth house. It will bring need to get selective in your social life(in context of building a new life).Secondly it will reform/change your relations with close family members, friends as well and means time to pay attention to details in your actions and new initiatives. Thirdly, time to pay attention to health, develop new regimes and in aiming complete mind-body-soul alignment through diet, exercise, yoga and similar aspects.

Impact on gross level
  • This transit phase will bring great learning, higher education to those looking for. Best phase to pick up studies, take certifications, do value adds, learn new skills, languages. This transit phase will add skills, new talents to your personality.
  • Career will see growth in proportion to your worth, your learning. Stagnation in work will end and new career breakthroughs, jobs, expansion in work will come up steadily.
  • This phase in essence stands for expansion of consciousness by opening up to committed learning, going to new places. So more travels will come. Relocation in context of work will come. Foreign, domestic travels will be much more now.
  • Your image will improve and lost respect in work, in family will come back. Its actually time to gain stable image and respect in eyes of others. This means some of rotten relations, harmful-destructive people will move out from your life. This further means you will see issues with friends, some relatives, some people at work and differences-distance will come with many, but it will lead to personal growth.
  • You can see some health issues coming up, your habits and patterns of life creating problems which will need focus on heath. Going to gym, taking up yoga, meditation, similar healing techniques will be developed and practiced now.
  • Your Spiritual -philosophical side will grow tremendously now. You will develop new beliefs, will come across exciting people, even Guru. Time for your principles to grow/reformed. Best phase for learning of any kind, be it formal, self, material, Spiritual or occult.
  • Health of elders in family will need care.
Impact on deeper level
  • Your older belief, self-image will break. You will see new principles, way of life and belief system developing.
  • On similar lines many of your relations will fall down which can reform your idea about relationships, friendship, love and professional world drastically. You will develop new way of thinking, new way of looking at people and relations which will be free from earlier conditioning.
  • This transit phase needs you to pay attention to details, so you will feel pressure, will need patience which will cause frustration to agitated/fast psyche types.
  • Major restructuring in your social-personal relations will cause pain, disappointment, breaking of old illusions and facing realities. This will be long, repeated learning phase.
  • Leaving old patterns, habits, committing for better health, more learning will cause fear of moving into unknown and pain of leaving comfort zone. Old habits die hard is something which you will realize with existential experiences.

What needs to be done
  • Allow movement of people away from you. If someone is not interested in keeping with you, if some relations are constantly giving pain ,if someone is causing harm or bringing out worst out of you every time, this phase will need you to let them go .Allow your relations to get better.
  • Commitment for betterment is absolutely necessary.
  • Leaving old patterns and forming new beliefs, taking up more responsibilities at work, moving to new places and resolving for better lifestyle, all will need a deep sense of commitment and acceptance of fact that you have to move into new anyhow. Keep walking even if you feel fear.
  • Letting go of old is must and is greater message of this transit phase. This means allowing older version of self to end, letting go of toxic relations, habits and beliefs irrespective of fact how much familiar they seemed. This is core essence for you.
  • Higher remedy is to spread knowledge, help others though your skills, through your talents, wealth, time. Sharing your gifts and uplifting others is key remedy. Give time to others, help anyone improve, uplift. Spending time with self and meditating or chanting mantras for steady mental state will greatly help you see with clarity and let go.

    Heart of the matter :
  • Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.

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