Year 2020 : Impact on Taurus sign

There are times when a person must go through karmic compulsions, events beyond control so that life ahead of that becomes smooth and clear. This is what year 2020 for Taurus people is going to bring. As you move into this year your intense karmic test will end paving way for progress, bringing clarity, peace and stability in and around. Previous year has been very limiting as it had severe karmic bondages but this year will end your ongoing Dhaiyaa (the 8th house transit of Saturn) from February onwards which will create clear, decisive and better path for you to progress. With end of contractive patterns, year 2020 stands for building new life, taking risks and allowing changes and new realities to be formed by being trusting in nature with process of life. In essence, this year symbolizes end of severe bondages, restrictions and generation of new life patterns which will also involve moving into unknown, but nevertheless all for the growth and expansion of your life force. Let us now see how this year will shape up for you Taurus people.

Your career is going to grow now. There will be end to ongoing challenges, phase of contraction and lack of opportunities. This is the kind of year where job changes will open up though will need many adjustments in and around. Career growth will be conditional now which means along with job changes, you have to take up far greater role, heavier responsibilities, there can be movement to different place and you can meet strict seniors, heavier work atmosphere, at least in the beginning of the year. Expansion of business and movement into new areas, domains is also perfect given you are not afraid to move, you are willing to do what’s required to make it happen .Essence in work life is growth ,removal of blockages and dullness but fear of moving into new place ,new work ,taking risks and working with new rules, new people and under strictly controlled atmosphere can create repulsion in you. Though it’s all part of process and this seemingly fearful aspects will wind up very soon. It’s very good time to start something of your own if you have a proper plan. Change of work field, switching your domain of experience, taking calculated risks all will lead to better career growth. Travels, relocations, change of working hours, travel time related to workplace can all come, which you should allow freely. Fear for change is what can only stop you.

Financially this is very welcome year. You will see greater inflow of wealth. New sources of wealth, earning will open up. Salary, profits from work will rise as well. This is also a very good time to gain considerable help from friends, family, gain from past investments and also your old stuck money can make a comeback. This is the time to grow your savings. Similarly, this is strong year for major asset building. Specially you are going to gain majorly from lands, properties and buying vehicles, investing long term all is seen and will bring greater financial security. Though note that you will encounter expenses continuously which is area where you need to keep a check. As far as possible avoid taking loans or spending more than you earn, financially this year is good but when you rely on self and do not go beyond what you can afford. It is very good time to learn financial discipline and skills for investments. You can take help, guidance from seniors, elders and experts this year which will be very fruitful for you.  

For your health, this is constructive year. Many of your earlier problems will end and you are certain to witness relief. Though there is still much needed to be done in area of health which can come as some signals from body or old/neglected health matters crying for attention. This is the year to seriously consider about your habits, lifestyle. It’s not entirely carefree time for you, rather a transition zone where you will be under check and events around you will repeatedly force you to move towards healthier lifestyle. Vulnerability to health lows is there in weaker phase of the year, so there isn’t much scope for any causal attitude or negligence. Greater work pressure, new environment and fear of unknown can create stress and panic at times which can be dealt with going with flow and not resisting new cycles and patterns entering your life. Emotionally ,this can be fluctuating time when your moods, your state can remain swinging but majorly this year will bring end of earlier pressure and challenges and all you will be left to work with will be your past impressions and building faith for life ahead.

In context of relations, this is neutral to slightly positive year. You need to handle, work on existing relations. Development of new relation, possibilities in love life and yoga for marriage are weak unless very strongly seen from individual charts. You will have to work harder on bringing harmony in your professional relations where you can meet strong and resistive people. Equation with family members will improve gradually. Social life, your relations with friends, siblings can go through difficult phase. Some of your friends can part away and you need not hold on too strongly. In essence it’s time to become selective with people whom you associate with without holding any grudges. Trends of travels, especially religious trips are strong. Also in context of work there can be patterns of relocation and movement to new place and/or change of current place of residence is strongly seen.

Time frame of January to March and specially from September to December is best time when progress will come. In broader sense phase of mid-May to mid-August is weak where most of career problems, threats, tensions can come. This is also weak time for your health specifically. Phase of three months of May to July can bring health concerns in particular. January, May-July, November are sensitive months. Year will become smooth as you progress and last four months are quire encouraging.

Spiritually this is quite active year. Your inner growth will pick up pace with patterns of restrictions lifting up. You can go on numerous travels and there can also be intense engagement in rituals as well. Travels to places of deep religious importance will come bringing blessings. For the higher aspirants this year can bring good progress and deeper Truths, progress can unfold. You can meet Guru, can get initiated into higher practices and living in places of Spiritual significance can come as well. Though this is not the time for smooth transition as your older beliefs can break away. Your ideology can go through change, your belief can fall down and even you can face rebelliousness in nature. You need to allow all this to see what remains. Experimentation at level of thoughts, beliefs and personal ideologies should be allowed freely. This is the year for growth, moving ahead into new patterns of life. The most important thing for you is not to fear change, opportunities for growth, progress will surely knock, be present and trust the process that it will take you to grow. Its only past impressions and fear of unknown, even fear of success, which can stop you from creating a new life whose potential is strong in this year.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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