Year 2020 : Impact on Pisces sign

Year 2020 for Pisces sign people signifies rise after accepting the responsibility. This year will bring major changes in your life and most of them would be for the good .Year 2020 for Pisces sign people brings growth though demanding acceptance of much higher responsibilities and upgrading yourself to match up the demands .This year brings end to your earlier problems in work and family and without a doubt this can be the year for finding major breakthroughs .For many of you this can prove to be the milestone year which will change everything and will lay out platform for your rapid growth. Your past efforts and patience are ready to give you results. Let us now move to discussion of how this year is going to bring such changes in your life.

Career matters will see new opportunities coming in and major reshuffling happening .This year can certainly bring career changes but will demand new skills, acceptance of higher responsibilities and working under pressure .Job changes can come under pressure, by going through challenges in work and after getting some jolt. Also growth seems conditional this year where you have to accept some conditions and make some adjustments before you can expect to grow. Specifically, you can be asked to relocate, assume more responsible role and your working hours will rise. But the main essence here is all such seemingly heavier aspect wont really seem heavy as they will come with freshness ,a sense of excitement and growth can be for the real and after facing stagnation for long ,so you won’t feel hesitant to stay back now. This is good time for expansion in your business and for the ones who are ready with their homework, this is very good year to make a jump from job to own ventures. Apart from work expansion, this is also a very good year which will end some of the earlier problems like in your professional relations, it will make your aspirations grow and your efforts will now be recognized. This is surely the year to take your career ahead but you have to pay the price for it, you need to be extremely swift and receptive for changes in your life style and moving into unknown ,ready to make small sacrifices so that you can make space for growth. Note that growth and moving to higher stages in life needs changes in self and way of life, which definitely seems scary, but nevertheless you have to take a step as progress cannot be kept on hold anymore.

Financially this is one of the best years in recent times and its going to bring more wealth. For many of you this can be the year you have been anxiously waiting for as it will end your earlier lack. Money flow will rise. There will be rise in salary, new work avenues will bring more wealth, you can start your own ventures and your existing business will star to yield more gains now. This is certainly the time for your financial state to move to level next. This year is extremely strong for gains from lands, properties, buying house, making new and large investments and addition of fixed assets, vehicles etc is very much seen ahead. Gains from family, from inheritance can also come this year. Your earlier debts will settle, you will feel relaxed and financially this seems to be very encouraging year. The best of this year can be derived when you focus on long term investments.

Many improvements are seen in area of health as well where you can see end of many earlier problems. For health matters this is decently good year and will not create any new hassles. It will create good amount of space and wisdom to tackle earlier issues timely. Though in weaker phases you need care in respiration, eyes, pain in body and gastric issues. Emotionally this seems a tight year when you can be faced with new set of circumstances and moving into unknown ,leaving old patterns ,accepting new life which all will create a sense of blankness, fear and when old identity breaks, it becomes too difficult to let it go as you seemed to have attached much of your ego with that .This is what is going to occur ,though everything is going to be for the good but still leaving the old patterns can make you feel fearful and clueless at times. Also with rise in work, more duties even in family, you can feel under pressure and will feel stress at times.

When it comes to people relations, this is slightly better year as it will create space in your life. Main essence here is end of earlier complication and many of you will finally break free from your family issues, especially those who were struggling with their marriage/love life. This is not the ideal time for development of new relations but when your individual charts does have strong scope, this year won’t stop you at any level. The real essence in area of relationships is to move ahead of earlier mess and find more space, time, energy in your life to invest in areas of your goals .If you really want, new people will come but there are no natural trends for growth which means it will require constant effort from your side to sustain relationships. In your family you can be required to assume greater role, more pressure can come to you and indeed its time that you move to level next when it comes to your duties, your role in your family. Work relations will also improve but ideally this is the year to make your new image, put seeds and see your image, your connection growing gradually.

Coming to timelines, this year time from Jan to March remains very good and April to June seems mixed one where depending on strength of signs in your charts, it can be either time for sudden gains ,new career developments for better, rise and inflow of  more wealth but in general these months signifies sudden change of patterns and some new equations developing which can impact your work life adversely .Health will also need care in this phase .In general time from April to July end seems rough and challenges will come in this phase epically in your work life and family where your intent will be tested and you have to remain steadfast and show patience. September to Nov mid time is good and then time ahead seems of changes again in work, coming in suddenly.

Travels are not many, though some relocations and change of place, house can surely come. This is decently fine year for students as well. Spiritually there isn’t much stored for you and you can be lost in maintaining new life standards, coping up with pressure and moving ahead in life. This is the year to organize your life, to fill the gaps that have been created in recent past and come to main stream life which will create a sense of relief and will end many of your earlier complexes and sense of isolation .Its all good to pursue your goals fiercely ,learning isn’t heavy this year as degree of freedom is high when it comes to taking risks and finding gains. Wake up, show your strength by committing to higher responsibilities ,growth is waiting at your door.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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