Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Aries sign

Overview of transit
  • For Aries sign people Saturn will move into tenth house from Moon. This will bring your approach, your generic karmic patterns to focus. It means focus on career, your overall behavior, how you act and what you do about your intentions.
  • Aspect of Saturn will fall on twelfth, fourth and seventh house. This means focus will come on what you do about your fee time, your wealth ,how you spend, basically how you deal about your resources .Secondly it will bring focus to your family members,your core values and responsibilities in your life. Thirdly focus will be on your relationships in general. Your approach, your destined karma and related need to bring changes in self/surroundings to make relations better will come into focus.

Impact on gross level
  • You will see greater career opportunities coming in this transit phase. This is phase of career evolution. Major time for your career to grow and expand in this phase.
  • Career growth will come with higher responsibilities and long working hours. You have to assume higher, heavier and more sensitive roles and your decisions will impact many.
  • Growth in this transit phase would demand making some adjustments, sacrifices to make space which can mean relocating to new place, accepting new work regimes, better technology, changing working style, gaining new skills, leaving old comfort zone to grow.
  • Health of elders in family will need attention along with some family matters, conflicts and property, investments, assets related matters needing your time and presence.
  • Relationships in general will need more effort. For those having issues in individual charts in context of love life/marriage, this transit phase can create tensions, can bring ugliness and destined events to surface. It also means getting married for those eligible.

Impact at deeper level
  • Greater pressure, sense of responsibility leading to heaviness and even some fears will be part. This will come as drive, push to adopt to new ways of working and bring greater optimization in your approach when it comes to career.
  • In general, Saturn in house of karma itself means now is the time to walk the talk. This transit phase will bring events, insights to you in order to make you work on ground. Your philosophies, your intent and your planning/learnings all needs to show up in action now, being spread and implementation in next three years.
  • Feeling mature, heavier and being burdened/rewarded by duties in family-work. This phase will create a sense of growing up, as if you are assuming roles which you earlier thought are for ‘elderly’ or ‘other’ people.
  • You can feel tensed, suffocated, limited and frustrated at times in your love life, marriage as this phase will dig deep and will bring fate of your marriage (in case it has sensitive patterns) to surface by challenging events. Similar experiences will be felt in your generic social-public life relations.

What needs to be done
  • Walk the talk. Its time you start doing things you have planned since ages. Its time you jump to action mode in steady manner.
  • You should bring fundamental changes in self, in your behavioral patterns aiming at being more productive in whatever you do. It can involve learning new skills, adopting new working methods, rising early, maintaining to-do lists or developing a plan/routine for every day.
  • Save more, spend only on things. It’s time to grow your wealth by respecting yoru resources. Investments should be done with long term approach.
  • Give space to your partner, listen more to others be patient. This specially is applicable to your love life. Be patient enough to see what comes out. Many relations, including love life, some close family bonds, some distant friends, can see end or intense disturbance. Understand that it’s time for cleansing in this area without panicking. Stay patient and let go when things are no longer under your control or no longer working.
  • Check your ego, arrogance and events in and around can cause them to surface. Reduce, control and intentionally moderate how you behave, specially with those lower in hierarchy to you. Humility is what you need to develop/grow in this phase.
  •  Higher remedy is to offer your services somewhere without expectations of gains. This can mean helping anyone, taking up work of others, offering service at some institution for some nonprofit cause. Essence is to dissolve ego and false pride caused by your status and position in work life.

   Heart of the matter :
  • Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.

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